Last Updated: 2024/4/1
The ICNALE Online V5.4
Last Updated: 2024/4/1

The ICNALE (International Corpus Network of Asian Learners of English) Online is a user-friendly online query system developed for the analysis of the ICNALE data.

The ICNALE  Online V5.4 gives you an easy access to the four ICNALE modules:
+ Written Essays (5,600 samples, approx. 1,300,000 tokens)
+ Edited Essays (1,280 samples, approx. 150,000 tokens)
+ Spoken Monologues  (4,400 samples with audio, approx. 500,000 tokens)
+ Spoken Dialogues (425 samples* with movies, approx. 1,600,000 tokens)

+ Replaced the essay data with the ICNALE Written Essays v2.6
+ Inconsistency in POS tagging was corrected.

Search Types
+ KWIC search
+ Keywords search
+ Collocation search
+ Wordlist search
+ Frequency graph search (For Written Essays)
+ Audio-linked search (For Spoken Monologues)
+ Video-linked search (For Spoken Dialogues)

Important Notice
The online data may be occasionally updated and/or the query algorithm may be changed without notices, which means that the search results may NOT be replicated in the future. If you plan to use the ICNALE for your professional research purposes, we strongly recommend you to use the download version.

The Website

The ICNALE has been developed by Dr. Shin Ishikawa of Kobe University, Japan. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Dr. Ishikawa (

Terms and Conditions of Use
By using the data offered by the ICNALE Development Team, you are agreeing to comply with the Terms of Use. Should you object to any term or condition contained herein, or any subsequent modifications hereto, or become dissatisfied with the ICNALE data in any way, your only recourse is to immediately stop using the ICNALE. The ICNALE Development Team reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter these Terms of Use. Such modifications will become effective immediately. You must review these Terms of Use on a regular basis to keep apprised of any changes that may affect you.

(1) The ICNALE Development Team shall not be liable to the user for any trouble, damage or loss caused by his/her use of the ICNALE, regardless of the cause.

(2) The ICNALE Development Team takes utmost care not to make any errors or omissions in providing the data and the information of the ICNALE, however they may include inaccurate contents, typographical errors, or improper information. The ICNALE Development Team shall not be liable for any such inaccuracy, incompleteness, inadequacy and
the unfairness of the data and the information presented in the ICNALE.

(3) The ICNALE Development Team makes no legal warranty or representation regarding the accuracy, completeness, adequacy and fairness of the data and the information of the ICNALE.

(4) The data and the information of the ICNALE may be changed or modified without any prior notice, and the ICNALE Site may be discontinued or closed without any prior notice.

(5) The ICNALE Development Team shall not be liable for any loss caused by the modification of the data and the information and also by the discontinuation or closing of the ICNALE Site, regardless of the reason.

(6) It is prohibited to analyze the interviewer speeches included in the ICNALE Spoken Dialogue.

Welcome to the ICNLAE Online!

If this is the first time for you to use the ICNALE Online, please complete user registration. No need to register twice.

Mr/ Ms/ Dr/ Prof:   Mr. Ms. Dr. Prof.

Family Name:  

First Name:  

Affiliation (eg: Kobe University)  


Country of Residence:  

Occupation:   Undergraduate students Graduate students Teachers/ Lecturers/ Professors Independent researchers Others